September 11, 2016

Nautical Info Service App by MPPI

In Spring 2012 the Croatian Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure (MPPI) informed me, that they will publish a new Information Service for Sailors in Croatia "within the next weeks". More than four years later (in Summer 2016), they finally published this service called "nIS", you can see the announcement here, and find the app here (Android) or here (Apple).

According to the announcement the nIS contains information about navigation rules, weather, ports, nautical anchorages and other useful information. Since version 1.06 the app also displays "area of nautical anchorages on the maps". I was interested how they implemented this feature, and therefore had a look at the nIS app. Here is my review:

Unfortunately the nIS implementation of this feature is incomplete and inaccurate. Several nautical anchorages are missing completely in their map, and those who are displayed are sometimes inaccurate or wrong. See some examples here:

Anchorage Borovnjaci (Kakan): nIS displays one fantasy area, instead of four official areas:

wosamma map

nIS map

Anchorage Stari Grad (Hvar): nIS displays areas at wrong locations:
wosamma map
nIS map

Note: This are only two examples. There are many more issues in the nIS map.
To summarize this: Unfortunately the nIS is not as accurate as it should be. Hopefully, the MPPI corrects this issues "within the next weeks" :-)